Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Workshop1: Stressin' Out

Michael Tran and I attended the Workshop called, Stressin' Out today (10/27).

The workshop was from 12:00pm-1:00pm, it talked about the different kid of stresses there are, how to relax, and places on campus that can help you with your stress.

They identified the different causes of stress, like eating more/less, less sleep, or chest pain.

Places we can go on campus to get help deal with stress are like the health office and the guidance counselor office.

Also, some techniques they mention that can help relieve stress are aromatherapy, meditation, and breathing.

What i gained was the knowledge of the affects of stress on myself, where i can go for help, and some techniques to reduces it because I've been stressing on my academic English since if i don't pass the finals with 8 or higher than I'll be kick out of SJSU and have to start over at a community college

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