Monday, September 14, 2009

9/14 -Monday's Blog

By managing time correctly a person can become less stress. Having an electronic or written planner, spreading out big task into smaller parts, etc can help you manage your time to complete or do many things within a time set. When creating such a planner a help thing to do is prioritizing each activity to know which is more important than the other. Ways to stop procrastinating are organizing a planner, putting deadlines for important activities, breaking up a big activity into smaller ones pushing yourself, and encourage yourself.

For me, I spend too much time playing games, going on the internet, editing videos, and watching TV. I spend too little time studying for certain classes, so I'll to start studying soon or I might forget or fall behind in what is happening in class. I need to spend less time on the internet doing nothing important because that's my most time waster.

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