Monday, November 30, 2009

11/30 -Monday's Blog

Statements that applies to me:
-I never spend more than i have
-I don't spend more when depressed or angry
-Instead of credit i use debit
-I always putt money aside in savings account
-I'm never late at paying my bills
-I often impulsively buy things
-I often spend too much

Some of my life values:
-Comfortable life
-Job success
-Earning a lot of money
-Prestige/ social recognition
-Education/ knowledge
-Family activities
-Sense of accomplishment
-Happiness/ contentment
-Shopping/ spending money
-Image/ personal appearance

MUSE Interview

MUSE Interview:

-Patrick Hennessey Interviewed Matt Won

-Jose Interviewed Natalie

Friday, November 27, 2009

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief HD Movie Trailer

Tips & Tricks #14

Each year the Macy's Thanksgiving parade starts at 9am and ends at 12pm.

During Thanksgiving....

On Thursday woke up before 9am to watch the Macy's thanksgiving parade, while at the same time made mash potatoes with my brother. By around 12 relatives had started coming over. then later around 1pm went to pick up some cousins and grandparents to take over my house. the rest of the day played around with cousins, eat, made a short up a short video, and it about ended at 2am. overall it wasn't like a thanksgiving dinner, but a party since we already started eating in early afternoon.

Monday, November 23, 2009

11/23 -Monday's Blog

Know your income & Expenses:
-Count all your money
-Know what it's being used on
-Know what you spend for and how much

Budgeting for Success:
-Choose time frame of budget
-Proactive budget: Know your expenses and make sure it doesn't pass your income
-Reactive Budget: Look over what you have spent and earned
-Know your debt and income

Financial aid

Checking & Saving Account:
-Checking allows you to pay right away with checks or debit card
-Saving allows you to save and limit your withdrawals

For Good Credit:
-Know the cost of using a credit card
-Pay monthly balance
-Use only for emergencies

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tips & Tricks #13

For better mileage: Drive at least 60 or below, lighten your vehicle, don't leave your car idle, use Cruise Control and overdrive gears.

11/11 -Wednesday's Blog

Healthy habits:
-Eat breakfast, don't skip it
-Eat fish at least twice a week, for the Omega-3 Fatty Acids in them
-Sleep at least 8 hours a night
-Network with other people through volunteer work, clubs, etc
-Exercise regularly
-Keep your teeth clean
-Do relaxing things
-Guard your skin from the sun's UV rays
-Eat healthy snacks like fruits
-Drink tea, water and milk, and eat diary food
-Take walks outside daily

Monday, November 16, 2009

11/16 -Monday's Blog

Exercise Strategies:
-Make a schedule to do so
-Find a willing partner
-Mark down your progress

Sleep Strategies:
-Do not take naps
-Exercise regularly
-Sleep & wake same time everyday

Nutrition Strategies:
-Eat varieties of food
-Eat fruits, grain, & vegetables
-Consume less sugar

Relaxing strategies:
-Relax in a comfortable position
-Take deep breathes
-Shrug & relax your shoulders

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Glee Spoof

Cheap: A Glee Spoof from Electric Spoofaloo on

Tips & Tricks #12

Know what class you need to take before the date to register for class by talking to a senior (in your major), counselor, or adviser

11/11 -Wednesday Blog

Ways to acknowledge ideas of others in your own writing:
-Reproducing the writer's original words-with quotation marks
-Identify the writer, but put the original sentence in your own words

What I need to improve when writing an in class essay:
-Creating well thought sentences
-Using prep time wisely
-Write faster

What I need to improve when speaking:
-Speaking clearly
-Pacing myself
-Eye contact

Monday, November 9, 2009

11/9 -Monday's Blog

Strategies that can help develop confidence in your ability:
-Seek opportunities
-Build from strength
-Develop an overarching plan
-Pursue feedback vigorously
-Don't crumble if you make a mistake

Good thesis:
-Reduce topic to single controlling idea
-In 1 sentence, present your position clearly and concisely
-Make statement that can be supported by examples, quotes, etc
-Create interest in topic
-establish purpose of paper
-Outline approach or pattern of organization

To deliver a good speech"
-Practice before hand
-Look the part
-Have a clean delivery
-Use media (like power point)effectively
-Finish nicely

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

New Trailer: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Trailer Park | MySpace Video

Tips & Tricks #11

If you go to Subway to eat, remember to get a free points card, so that when the points accumulate you can get free food.

11/4 -Wednesday's Blog

Under what circumstances do I think most students might be inclined to cheat:
-When it's unlikely that they would be caught
-When they feel desperate to get a better grade
-When a lot is riding on the particular grade

If some one is caught cheating, the consequence i think is most suitable:
-Failure on the assignment that the cheating occurred
-Repeating the assignment while being watched carefully
-Depends on the cheater's profile

Things that discourages me from cheating:
-Scared of getting caught
-Test the result of my studying or not

Monday, November 2, 2009

Avatar Trailer in HD

Avatar Trailer in HD

Trailer Park | MySpace Video

11/2 -Monday's Blog

Today we went to the Conversation with University Leadership from about 12:00pm to 1:00pm. Important people such as the Dean and the provost of the college were there to talk about what they do everyday in their position. Also, they answer some questions written by other students, like remediation, budget cuts, etc. The only one that interest me was when they talked about remediation because I'm in Academic English class and I need to know the outcome of it, since I'm worried if I may not pass my finals for the class and would have to go to community college to make up the class for next semester.